What is the ultimate goal of faith?
Our own personal conversion and faith.
What does faith seek according to the text?
Obedience of Faith

What is the ultimate goal of faith?

Our own personal conversion and faith.

Faith Seeking Understanding

What does faith seek according to the text?


The Gift of Faith

What is faith?

Faith is the supernatural virtue necessary for salvation, a free gift of God, and accessible to all who humbly seek it.

Obedience of Faith

What is the act of faith?

The act of faith is a human act prompted by the will moved by God, where a person freely assents to divine truth.

Faith Seeking Understanding

How does faith work?

Faith works through charity (Galatians 5:6) and continually grows through listening to the Word of God and prayer.

Certainty in Faith

What does the Holy Spirit provide in terms of certainty?

Certainty beyond human conviction.

The Gift of Faith

What is the relationship between knowing God and the desire for more of God?

The more one knows God, the more one wants to know, love, and be with God.

Characteristics of Faith

What is faith according to the text?

A belief in someone, a belief in what the Creed points to, the reality behind the words.

Obedience of Faith

How does man respond to God who reveals himself?

Man responds to God with the obedience of faith, which means the full surrender of ourselves to God and the acceptance of his truth.

Encountering the Living God

What does the public faith of the Church call us to do?

Encounter the Living God, love, and come to know God Himself.

Obedience of Faith

What distinguishes proselytism from true evangelization?

Proselytism is forceful and manipulative, while true evangelization invites a person into the gift of faith freely for the sake of love.

Freedom and Faith

What is the key aspect of authentic faith that must be understood?


Personal and Public Nature of Faith

What does it mean in practice for a person to believe in God?

It means to adhere to God himself, entrusting oneself to him and giving assent to all the truths which God has revealed because God is Truth.

Freedom and Faith

What is required for a personal meeting with God?

A completely free response on our part.

Certainty in Faith

What is faith's effect on decision-making and life direction?

It brings certainty to a whole new level.

Encountering the Living God

What does faith point to according to the text?

A personal invitation of 'Someone' to be in relationship with Him, an invitation to respond to God with all our heart and mind.

No Contradiction between Faith and Science

What is the relationship between faith and science?

There is no contradiction between faith and science because both originate in God, who gives us the light of reason and faith.

Personal and Public Nature of Faith

What is proselytism?

A forceful and manipulative way of convincing someone to be a Christian.

Faith and Science Compatibility

Are faith and science opposed according to the text?

No, they are 100% compatible with each other.

The Gift of Faith

What does it mean to believe in one God in three Persons?

It means to believe in one God in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Gift of Faith

What produces the glorious gift of faith in our lives?

Being 'obedient' to the Voice of God out of love and by our own free will.

Characteristics of Faith

How is true faith described?

As certain, meaning we know.

The Gift of Faith

What is the source of true faith according to the text?

The free choice of the individual to believe because they believe, and because it was the Holy Spirit speaking to their soul revealing the truths of faith.

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