Who downloaded the pharmacology test?
Bernadette Ay-Ay.
What indicates effective discharge teaching regarding lifestyle modification?
The patient says, 'I will stop what I’m doing whenever I have pain and take the pill.'
Patient Education on Medication Use

Who downloaded the pharmacology test?

Bernadette Ay-Ay.

Hypertension Treatment Protocols

What indicates effective discharge teaching regarding lifestyle modification?

The patient says, 'I will stop what I’m doing whenever I have pain and take the pill.'

Nitroglycerin Pharmacology

What is the pharmacological action of nitroglycerin?

C. Dilate the coronary arteries.

Digoxin Administration and Monitoring

What are the manifestations that must be assessed to detect beginning digitalis toxicity, except for which one?

D. Hypertension.

Nitroglycerin Pharmacology

Which nursing action is inappropriate when applying nitroglycerin ointment?

B. She spreads the ointment with her fingers.

Hypertension Treatment Protocols

What is a disturbing side effect of Captopril that the nurse must caution about?


Patient Education on Medication Use

What is the nurse's best reply to Mr. Fernando's concern about taking too many nitroglycerin pills?

B. 'I must inform you that nitroglycerin is non-habituating and you should take the pills many times to relieve the pain.'

Digoxin Administration and Monitoring

What is the mechanism of action of digoxin that makes it useful in patients with CHF?

Enhances cardiac contractility.

Patient Education on Medication Use

What discharge instruction should the nurse give regarding nitroglycerin therapy?

B. The drug should be taken before engaging in exertional activities.

Iron-Deficiency Anemia Treatment

How should the nurse administer oral iron tablets?

C. With fruit juices like calamansi and orange.

Patient Education on Medication Use

What should the nurse include in the medication-teaching plan for a client discharged with Propranolol hydrochloride?

Obtain blood pressure readings regularly.

Deep Vein Thrombosis Care

What non-pharmacological measure should the nurse employ for a patient with deep vein thrombosis?

B. Elevate the legs with a pillow.

Hypertension Treatment Protocols

Which food is appropriate for a hypertensive patient?

Fresh citrus juice.

Iron-Deficiency Anemia Treatment

How should Iron dextran be administered?

B. Intramuscular, Z-track method.

Nitroglycerin Pharmacology

What is a common side effect of nitroglycerin that the nurse must emphasize?

A. Headache.

Patient Education on Medication Use

Which food items should a patient avoid during digitalis therapy?

A. Fresh orange juice and potato fries.

Patient Education on Medication Use

What should Hero do about his concern regarding sexual activity?

The nurse suggests he should avoid sex for several months while on therapy.

Iron-Deficiency Anemia Treatment

What side effect should the nurse warn a patient taking oral iron preparations about?

B. Darkening of stool color.

Patient Education on Medication Use

What information should the nurse provide regarding the nitroglycerin tablet?

D. A burning sensation under the tongue is expected.

Digoxin Administration and Monitoring

What statement by the patient may indicate a possible digoxin overdose?

Nurse, I don’t feel like eating for the past few days.

Iron-Deficiency Anemia Treatment

What classification does a drug administered to correct anemia, such as iron, fall under?

C. Hematinic.

Patient Education on Medication Use

What platform is mentioned for accessing the pharmacology test?


Congestive Heart Failure Management

What is the main concern for a nurse administering furosemide and digoxin to a patient with congestive heart failure?

Observe for signs and symptoms of hypokalemia.

Patient Education on Medication Use

When should the tablet be taken?

Only in the morning.

Hypertension Treatment Protocols

What must the nurse caution the patient after administering a blood-pressure lowering agent?

To avoid abrupt change of positions.

Patient Education on Medication Use

Which university is associated with the pharmacology test?

University of Iloilo - PHINMA.

Iron-Deficiency Anemia Treatment

What condition is Armida diagnosed with after showing symptoms of easy fatigability and frequent dizziness?

Iron-deficiency anemia.

Iron-Deficiency Anemia Treatment

What test should the doctor order to confirm iron-deficiency anemia?

B. Hemoglobin level determination.

Hypertension Treatment Protocols

What should the nurse check before administering Metoprolol?

The pulse.

Patient Education on Medication Use

What is the focus of the pharmacology test mentioned?

Top rank pharmacology.

Calcium Channel Blockers

Which of the following is NOT a calcium channel blocker?


Heparin Therapy in Thrombosis

What is the purpose of administering Heparin sodium for deep vein thrombosis?

B. There is a need to prevent further clot formation in the involved vessels.

Digoxin Administration and Monitoring

How can the nurse evaluate the effectiveness of digoxin in a patient?

Increased urine output.

Iron-Deficiency Anemia Treatment

Which food choice indicates effective teaching about iron-rich foods?

D. Liver and egg yolk.

Iron-Deficiency Anemia Treatment

What is the pathophysiology of pernicious anemia?

C. Absence of intrinsic factor in the stomach.

Digoxin Administration and Monitoring

What should the nurse do after obtaining an apical pulse of 78 beats/min before administering digoxin?

D. Administer the drug.

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