According to Walker SC et al., what were the observed effects of school-based health center (SBHC) use on academic outcomes for high school students?
Significant increase in attendance for SBHC medical users compared to nonusers, grade point average increases over time for mental health users compared to nonusers, no association found between discipline incidents and SBHC use.
What are the types of natal services mentioned?
Domiciliary care, Institutional care, Rooming in, Maternity Homes.

According to Walker SC et al., what were the observed effects of school-based health center (SBHC) use on academic outcomes for high school students?

Significant increase in attendance for SBHC medical users compared to nonusers, grade point average increases over time for mental health users compared to nonusers, no association found between discipline incidents and SBHC use.

Reproductive Health

What are the types of natal services mentioned?

Domiciliary care, Institutional care, Rooming in, Maternity Homes.

Maternal Mortality

What are some risk factors for maternal mortality?

Young age of mothers, primigravida, grand multipara, poor previous pregnancy outcome, maternal employment or parental unemployment, delayed referral, inappropriate treatment.

School Health Services

What is the vision of RMU in terms of medical education?

To be a highly recognized and accredited center of excellence in Medical Education, using evidence-based training techniques for the development of highly competent health professionals.

Health Economics

What does microeconomics deal with?

The behavior of individual prices and quantities at the individual level.

Health Economics

Give an example of positive economics.

Current unemployment rate is 20% and health spending is 5%.

School Health Services

What are some common school health problems?

Malnutrition, dental caries, parasitic infestation, eye defects, ear, nose & throat infection, skin diseases, communicable diseases, inadequate seating arrangement, improper ventilation, poor sanitary conveniences, toilets, water supply, collection and removal of refuse, inspection of food.

Reproductive Health

What is recommended for family planning during lactation?

Intrauterine Devices (IUD) and conventional (non hormonal) contraceptives.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What was the focus of UNICEF in 1961?


Health Economics

What is technical efficiency in economics?

Meeting a given objective at least cost.

Lifetime Health Problems

What are the lifetime health problems covered under PHC?

Gender violence, certain occupational and environmental health hazards, depression.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What significant declaration was made by UNICEF in 1959?

Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What is the theme of the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly?

Health for peace, peace for health.

Maternal Mortality

According to bioethics, what is essential for ensuring optimal care for women and babies?

Multidisciplinary education and teamwork, including communication, collaboration, consultation and referral.

Maternal Mortality

What is the purpose of the 'Clean/Safe Delivery' pillar in the Safe Motherhood Initiative?

To ensure that all birth attendants have the knowledge, skills & equipment to perform a clean & safe delivery and provide postpartum care to mother & baby.

Health Economics

What is allocative efficiency in economics?

Producing exactly what society wants.

World Health Organization (WHO)

How many assistant Director Generals are there in the World Health Organization?

There are 5 assistant Director Generals.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Where is the headquarters of the World Health Organization located?

In Geneva, Switzerland.

School Health Services

What is the recommended duration for institutional care after normal delivery?

Discharge the women after 48 hours.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Where is the regional office of the World Health Organization located in the USA?

Washington, USA.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What are the areas covered under the World Health Organization's work related to biomedical research?

Collaborating for global research, financing/grants for research, and identification for priorities for research.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What are the areas covered under the World Health Organization's work related to health statistics?

Dissemination of mortality and morbidity data, weekly epidemiological record, world health statistics quarterly, and world health statistics annual.

Maternal Mortality

What approach does maternity care incorporate according to bioethics?

A rights-based approach, preventing exclusion and maltreatment of individuals that are marginalised and socioeconomically disadvantaged.

World Health Organization (WHO)

According to WHO, how does increasing life expectancy at birth affect economic growth?

Increasing life expectancy at birth by 10% will increase the economic growth rate by 0.35% a year.

Health Economics

What is health economics concerned with?

The alternative uses of resources and policy making with the efficient utilization of economic resources such as human resource, material, and financial resources.

School Health Services

What is the role of a school teacher in school health services?

To explain the role of a school teacher in school health services.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Name the regions where the World Health Organization has its offices.

African Region, Region of the Americas, South East Asia Region, European Region, Eastern Mediterranean Region, Western Pacific Region.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Which region does Pakistan belong to in the World Health Organization?

Eastern Mediterranean Region.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Where is the headquarters of the World Health Organization located?


World Health Organization (WHO)

What are the learning objectives related to the World Health Organization (WHO)?

To Describe history, constitution and objectives of WHO. To State WHO regions. To Explain organizational structure of WHO with functions of each.


What are the four commonly accepted principles of health care ethics?

Principle of respect for autonomy, Principle of nonmaleficence, Principle of beneficence, Principle of justice.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Which organization is responsible for coordinating global efforts to control and eradicate diseases?


Role of Artificial Intelligence

What is the role of artificial intelligence in NGOs?

Geospatial Data Analysis, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Data Analytics.

World Health Organization (WHO)

When is World Health Day celebrated?

Every year on 7th April.

Maternal Mortality

What is the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) for Pakistan?

154 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births.

Health Economics

Define health economics.

The application of the theories, concepts, and techniques of economics to the health sector.

Maternal Mortality

What are the learning objectives of the lecture on Preventive Medicine in Obstetrics-III?

1. Comprehend the concept of care required for the rapid restoration of the mother to optimum health 2. Enlist the preventive strategies required to prevent complications during intra-natal and post-natal period 3. Appreciate the importance of health education for mother/family regarding intra-natal and post-natal complications 4. Understand the relevance of family planning services provided during postnatal period

School Health Services

What is the focus of research in school health services?

Types of cases and seasonal variation seen in school clinic OPD, nutrition status of students, parasitic infestation in school children.

Reproductive Health

What does the 7Cs recommended by WHO stand for?

1. Clean hands of the attendant 2. Clean perineum 3. Clean delivery surface 4. Clean cord and tying instrument 5. Clean cutting surface 6. Clean towels to dry the baby and then wrap the baby 7. Clean Water

School Health Services

What are the core duties of a school medical officer?

Periodical medical inspection, annual medical check-up, arrangement for immunization of children, advising parents on the mental & physical conditions of children, inspection of physical training program, health education of teachers, capacity building of teachers to handle health issues of students.

Maternal Mortality

How much higher is the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in rural areas compared to urban areas in Pakistan?

26% higher in rural areas.

School Health Education

What is the focus of school health education?

School health education.

Health Economics

What is positive economics?

Describing the facts and behavior in the economy, and helping to understand economic phenomena that can be tested.

Maternal Mortality Indicators

What are the indicators of maternal mortality?

Maternal Mortality Ratio and Maternal Mortality Rate.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What is the primary function of the WHO secretariat?

Providing member states technical and managerial support for their national health programs development.

Maternal Infections

What type of delivery increases the likelihood of developing a uterine infection?

a) Cesarean delivery

World Health Organization (WHO)

Which organization provides humanitarian aid and assistance to children in need, including education, healthcare, and nutrition?


Reproductive Health

What is the vision of RMU?

To be a highly recognized and accredited center of excellence in Medical Education, using evidence-based training techniques for the development of highly competent health professionals, who are lifelong experiential learners and are socially accountable.

Ethics in School Health Services

What are the core subjects related to ethics in school health services?

Provision of resources for school health infrastructure, provision of quality of care, adequate health training of school personnel.

Reproductive Health

What is the aim of good Intra-natal care?

Thorough asepsis, delivery with minimum damage to mother and baby, readiness to deal with any complication, care of the baby at delivery.

School Health Services

What are the responsibilities of a school health nurse?

Supervision of physical training, supervising health habits of children, follow-up of service, home visiting, treatment of minor ailments in absence of doctor, maintaining proper records both at school & of home visits, attending monthly conferences.

Health Economics

What is incremental cost in health economics?

The difference in costs found between two interventions, i.e. the intervention and its comparator.

Reproductive Health

What are the core components of breast feeding?

Breast feeding for 2 years, exclusive breast feeding for 6 months, no bottle feeding, complementary feeding at 6 months.

Health Economics

How is average cost calculated in health economics?

By dividing the total costs for the intervention by the total quantity of treatment units provided.

World Health Organization (WHO)

In which year did UNICEF become a permanent part of the United Nations?


Maternal Mortality Rate

How is the maternal mortality rate calculated?

Total number of female deaths due to complications of pregnancy, childbirth within 42 days of delivery, multiplied by 1000, divided by the total number of women of childbearing age (15-45 years).

Reproductive Health

What is the aim of the Safe Motherhood Initiative?

To overcome woman’s mortality from complications of pregnancy and childbirth in developing countries.

Health Economics

What is economic evaluation used for?

To ensure that limited resources are allocated as efficiently as possible.

Reproductive Health

According to the World Health Organization, what is reproductive health?

A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of reproductive disease or infirmity.

Health Economics

How does good health contribute to economic growth?

By making individuals more productive at work, increasing their income, spending more time in the labor force, investing more in education, and saving more due to increased life expectancy.

Reproductive Health

What are the vision and mission of RMU?

Vision: Highly recognized and accredited center of excellence in Medical Education, using evidence-based training techniques for development of highly competent health professionals, who are lifelong experiential learner and are socially accountable. Mission: To impart evidence-based research-oriented health professional education in order to provide best possible patient care and inculcate the values of mutual respect, ethical practice of healthcare and social accountability.

Reproductive Health

What is the mission statement of RMU?

To impart evidence-based research-oriented health professional education and inculcate the values of mutual respect, ethical practice of healthcare, and social accountability.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What is the significance of 7th April in the history of the World Health Organization?

It commemorates the day in 1948 when the formal existence of WHO took place.

Reproductive Health

What is the mission statement of RMU?

To impart evidence-based research-oriented health professional education in order to provide the best possible patient care and inculcate the values of mutual respect, ethical practice of healthcare, and social accountability.

Health Economics

What is opportunity cost in the field of economics?

The benefit given up by not choosing the next best alternative.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What is the core function of the WHO Global Service Centre?

To help WHO deliver its global mandate and implement its programmes in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Maternal Causes of Death

What were the most frequent causes of maternal death according to the PMMS-2019 report?

Obstetric hemorrhage (41%) and hypertensive disorders (29%).

Primary Health Care (PHC)

What are the elements of Primary Health Care (PHC)?

Education, promotion of food supply and nutrition, safe water and sanitation, maternal and child health care, immunization, prevention of endemic diseases, treatment of common diseases and injuries, provision of essential drugs.

Maternal Causes of Death

What percentage of maternal deaths were due to direct obstetric causes according to the PMMS-2019 report?

Ninety-six percent.

Reproductive Health

What are the danger signals that the midwife must be aware of in domiciliary care?

Sluggish or no pains after rupture of membranes, good pains but no progress after rupture of membranes, prolapsed cord or hand, meconium-stained liquor or slow irregular or excessively fast fetal heart, excessive “show” or bleeding during labour, collapse during labour, a placenta not detached after half an hour of delivery, post partum hemorrhage or collapse, a temperature of 38 deg C or >.

Health Economics

What is marginal cost in economics?

The extra cost of producing one unit of output, for example, increasing the length of stay in the hospital by one day.

School Health Services

What is the definition of School Health Services?

It is a branch of preventive medicine that deals with curative, preventive, and promotive aspects of health in school.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What does the WHO's logo symbolize?

The logo consists of the United Nations symbol surmounted by a staff with a snake coiling around it, which has long been a symbol of medicine and the medical profession.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What is the main function of the executive board of the World Health Organization?

To give effect to the decisions and policies of the health assembly, to advise it and generally to facilitate its work.

School Health Services

What is the purpose of a periodic medical examination in the context of school health services?

To conduct detailed history and examination, blood tests, and assessment for nutritional deficiencies, vision, hearing, and speech assessment.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What is the World Health Organization (WHO)?

A specialized, non-political health agency of the United Nations.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What is the mission of the UNICEF?

To Describe history, mission and milestones of UNICEF.

Maternal Mortality

What are the 3 D's of maternal mortality?

Delay, Distance, and Deficiency.

Health Economics

What is elasticity in the context of economics?

The change in prices and the degree of said change based on market forces and the interaction between the consumer and business.

School Health Services

What are the functions of school health services related to primary prevention?

Health education, Personal hygiene, Hand washing, Dental hygiene, Balanced diet, Accidents prevention, Immunization, Teacher training.

School Health Services

What are the core components of basic health education?

Hygiene, immunization, feeding for mother and infant, birth registration, pregnancy spacing, importance of health check up.

Health Economics

What is macroeconomics focused on?

The behavior of the entire economy and the broad aggregate of economic life.

Reproductive Health

What are the advantages of domiciliary care?

Familiar surrounding, no cross infection, mother can keep an eye on domestic affairs.

Maternal Causes of Death

What is the difference between direct and indirect causes of maternal mortality?

Direct causes result from obstetric complications of the pregnant state, while indirect causes result from pre-existing or pregnancy-aggravated diseases.

School Health Services

What is the mission statement of RMU?

To impart evidence-based research-oriented health professional education in order to provide the best possible patient care and inculcate the values of mutual respect, ethical practice of healthcare, and social accountability.

School Health Services

What is involved in the medical inspection of school children?

Intimation to parents, initial examination by nurse followed by detailed medical examination by SMO, inspection of environment (especially food), maintenance of records and necessary action.

Maternal Mortality Ratio

How is the maternal mortality ratio calculated?

Total number of female deaths due to complications of pregnancy, childbirth within 42 days of delivery, multiplied by 1000, divided by the total number of live births.

School Health Services

What are the objectives of school health services?

To enlist the objectives of school health services.

World Health Organization (WHO)

In which year did UNICEF receive the Nobel Peace Prize?


World Health Organization (WHO)

Who is the current Chairman of the executive board of the World Health Organization?

Dr. Hiroki Nakatani from Japan.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What are some characteristics of the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Neutral organization to all member states, nearly universal membership, global presence and networking, no parallel organization in tackling diseases, large number of expertise in all health issues, strong coordination and convincing ability, strong fund collecting ability, global cooperation, collaboration, and investment.

Global Maternal Mortality Trends

What is covered under global maternal mortality trends?

Trends in maternal mortality from 2000 to 2020.

School Health Services

What is 'Rooming In' in the context of postnatal care?

Keeping the baby’s crib by the side of the mother’s bed.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What are the core functions of the World Health Assembly?

To determine international health policy and program, review the work of past years, approve the budget, elect member states to designate a person to serve on the executive board, and supervise the financial policies of the organization.

School Health Services

What are the advantages of 'Rooming In'?

Mother knows her baby, mother-child bonding, good opportunity for breastfeeding, removes fear for the baby to be misplaced, builds self-confidence in mother, prevents cross-infections (nosocomial).

World Health Organization (WHO)

How many regional offices does the World Health Organization have?

6 regional offices.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What does 'O' stand for in UNICEF's GOBI campaign?

Oral rehydration to treat mild and moderate dehydration.

Reproductive Health

What are the minimum recommended postnatal visits?

First visit <3 days, second visit 1 week, third visit 8 weeks.

School Health Services

What are the core subjects related to the role of a school teacher in health promotion?

First Aid, Health Education, Noticing Changes in Student Behavior, Ensuring Vaccination, Supervising School Environment, Participating in School Meal Services.

Reproductive Health

What are the learning objectives related to Reproductive Health?

1. Define Reproductive Health & describe its components. 2. Explain the basics statistics related to Reproductive Health. 3. Explain the formation of basic maternal mortality indicators. 4. Explain the risk factors and causes of maternal mortality. 5. Describe the concept & components of safe motherhood.

Reproductive Health

What are the key components of reproductive health?

Safe motherhood, fertility regulation, prevention & control of reproductive tract infection, sexually transmitted diseases (STD) including HIV/AIDS, prevention & treatment of infertility/subfertility, malignancies of the reproductive tract, and newborn care.

Health Economics

What are the learning objectives of the session on economics?

To define economics, differentiate between macro & microeconomics, explain positive & normative economics, describe the framework of health economics, explain the law of demand, supply & elasticity, describe the production possibility frontier, explain 4 types of economic evaluation, appraise components of economic evaluation, and understand ethical issues in economic support.

Maternal Mortality

What is maternal mortality?

The death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of duration and site of pregnancy from any cause related or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management and not due to any accidental or incidental cause.

School Health Services

What equipment is required for a school clinic?

Weighing Machine, Surgical kit, Height scale, BP Apparatus, Snellen’s Eye Chart, Tongue Depressor & Torch, Nasal & Ear Speculum, Vaccination Equipment, Glucometer, Examination Couch, Sterilizer.

School Health Services

What is included in tertiary prevention in school health services?

Remedial classes for learning disabilities, Diagnosing cases, Arrangements for children with special needs, Care for children with chronic disorders.

School Health Services

What drugs are typically found in a school clinic?

Pain killers and anti-pyretic, eye drops, ear-ache drops, ORS, anti-emetics, anti-spasmodic, anti-histamines, antacids.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What is the purpose of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)?

To deal with the rehabilitation of children in war-ravaged countries.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What are the divisions of the WHO Secretariat related to health services?

Division of diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative services, Division of strengthening of health services, Division of family health, Division of non-communicable diseases, Division of health manpower development.

Reproductive Health

What are the reproductive health issues covered under PHC?

Unplanned pregnancy, STDs and AIDS, unsafe abortion, pregnancy complications, malnutrition.

Health Economics

Give an example of normative economics.

The level of unemployment should be less than 5% and the government should provide free treatment to the poor.

World Health Organization (WHO)

According to WHO, what is health?

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Maternal Mortality

What is a pregnancy-related death?

The death of women while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of cause of death.

Maternal Mortality Indicators

What is the purpose of the 'Essential Obstetric Care' pillar in the Safe Motherhood Initiative?

To ensure that essential care for high-risk pregnancies is made available to all women who need it and complications are dealt with appropriately and referred timely.

School Health Services

What is the role of research in school health services?

To describe the role of research in school health services.

Reproductive Health

What is the purpose of the 'Family Planning' pillar in the Safe Motherhood Initiative?

To ensure that individuals & couples have the information and services to plan timing, number & spacing of pregnancies.

Mental Health

What are the strategies for promoting mental health and good behavior in schools?

Promoting mental health, identifying unhealthy behavior, creating a healthy school environment, and addressing risk factors for abnormal mental problems.

Maternal Mortality

What is the purpose of the 'Antenatal Care' pillar in the Safe Motherhood Initiative?

To prevent complications where possible and ensure that complications of pregnancy are detected early & treated appropriately.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Where does the World Health Assembly generally meet?

In Geneva in May each year, attended by delegations from all 194 member states.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Who is the current Director-General of the World Health Organization?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What does 'B' stand for in UNICEF's GOBI campaign?


World Health Organization (WHO)

What are the areas covered under the World Health Organization's work related to family health?

Maternal and child health care, human reproduction, and nutrition and child health education.

Health Economics

What is health economics concerned with?

The efficient utilization of economic resources in the health services sector.

Health Promoting Schools

According to WHO, what are the key aspects of a health promoting school?

Promoting health and learning, Involving all stakeholders, Creating a healthy environment, Implementing standard policies and practices, Improving health.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What is the purpose of choosing a world health day theme each year?

To focus attention on a specific aspect of public health.

Reproductive Health

What are the 3 essential components of Sex & RH Care?

Family planning, Sex Health, Maternal health.

School Health Services

What are some aspects of school health services?

Health appraisal, remedial measures, prevention of communicable diseases, healthful school environment, nutrition services, first aid, mental health, dental health, eye health, health education, education of handicapped children, proper maintenance of school health records.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What was the focus of UNICEF in 1946?

Providing food to Europe.

School Health Services

What are the objectives of school health?

Promotion of positive health, prevention of diseases, early diagnosis and treatment of defects, awakening health consciousness in children, provision of healthful environment.

World Health Organization (WHO)

When was the Safe Motherhood Initiative launched?

In 1987.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Where is the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly being held?

In Geneva, Switzerland, on 22-28 May 2022.

Health Economics

What is normative economics?

Involving ethics and value judgments, making hypothetical statements that cannot be tested, and making recommendations on how things should be.

Indirect Causes of Maternal Mortality

What are some examples of indirect causes of maternal mortality?

Anemia, infections & parasitic diseases, neoplasms, allergic, endocrine, metabolic, nutritional diseases, diseases of blood, mental disorder, diseases of cardiovascular system, respiratory disease, genito-urinary diseases, diseases of bones & joints, chronic poisoning.

Maternal Mortality

What is a late maternal death?

Death of women from direct or indirect obstetric causes more than 42 days but less than one year of termination of pregnancy.

School Health Services

What are the duties of the school health team?

To explain the duties of the school health team.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What important convention was established by UNICEF in 1989?

Convention on the Rights of the Child.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What is the focus of UNICEF's GOBI campaign for child health?

Child health, nutrition, family welfare, and education.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What does 'G' stand for in UNICEF's GOBI campaign?

Growth charts to better monitor child development.

Healthful School Environment

What are the considerations for a healthful school environment?

Location away from business centers, cinemas, houses, railway tracts, appropriate land for play areas, size of classrooms, ventilation, and water supply.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What are the main functions of the World Health Assembly?

To determine international health policy and program, review the work of past years, approve the budget, elect member states to designate a person to serve on the executive board, and supervise the financial policies of the organization.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What does 'I' stand for in UNICEF's GOBI campaign?


World Health Organization (WHO)

What are the areas covered under the World Health Organization's work related to environmental health?

National programs for sanitation, protection of air quality, food and water, health conditions of work, radiation protection, identification of new hazards, WHO environmental health criteria program, and WHO environmental health monitoring program.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What is the focus of the lecture sequence on NGOS and Agencies?

Enlisting important NGOS of Pakistan.

Maternal Mortality

What is the range of maternal mortality ratio (MMR) across different regions in Pakistan?

From 167 per 100,000 live births in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to 317 per 100,000 live births in Balochistan.

Health Economics

What is the study of economics concerned with?

How people allocate their limited resources to satisfy their unlimited wants.

School Health Services

What does secondary prevention in school health services involve?

Complete general examination, Refractive errors, Hearing problems, Congenital heart defects, Anemia, Follow up of cases, Treatment of minor illness, Prevention of spread of communicable diseases.

Reproductive Health

What led to the shift from MCH to RH?

Strong women’s movement and criticism on the control of female fertility and their sexuality, HIV/AIDS pandemic, and the concept of reproductive rights.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What are the core contents of the WHO's global strategy?

Promoting development, encouraging health security, strengthening health systems, encouraging research, information & evidence, enhancing partnerships, and improving performance of health developing organizations.

Reproductive Health

What does Safe Motherhood mean?

Ensuring that all women receive the care they need to be safe and healthy throughout pregnancy and childbirth.

Reproductive Health

What is recommended for family planning on the 2nd day after delivery?

Post partum sterilization.

Direct Causes of Maternal Mortality

What are some examples of direct causes of maternal mortality?

Hemorrhage, septicemia, toxemia (eclampsia) of pregnancy, abortions, abnormalities of bony pelvis, ectopic pregnancy, disproportion or mal-position of fetus, improper management, poor technique in natal & postnatal periods.

World Health Organization (WHO)

When was UNICEF established?

On 11 December 1946, by the United Nations General Assembly.

Primary Health Care (PHC)

What are the four strategic interventions recommended by WHO for making motherhood safe?

Family planning, Antenatal care, Clean/safe delivery, Essential obstetric care.

Maternal Mortality Indicators

What were the most frequent causes of maternal death according to the Maternal Mortality Survey 2019?

Obstetric hemorrhage (41%) and hypertensive disorders (29%).

Reproductive Health

What is the focus of reproductive health?

Reproductive processes, functions and system at all stages of life.

School Health Services

What are the components of daily morning inspection in the context of school health services?

Identification of disease through signs such as flushed face, rash, coughing, sore throat, and more.

School Health Services

What are the functions of school health services?

To enumerate the functions of school health services.

School Health Services

What are the different sitting arrangements described in the context of school health services?

Minus desk, zero desk, and plus desk based on the vertical line from the edge of the desk in relation to the seat.

Reproductive Health

What are the objectives of postnatal care?

To prevent complications of the postpartum period, provide care for the rapid restoration of the mother to optimum health, check adequacy of breastfeeding, provide family planning services, provide basic health education to mother/family.

World Health Organization (WHO)

What are the areas covered under the World Health Organization's work related to health services?

Promotion and support of national health policy development, comprehensive national health programs, organizing health system based on primary health care, development of health manpower and utilization, building long term national capability health infrastructure, managerial tasks, health services research, and appropriate technology for health.

Reproductive Health

What are some complications of the postpartum period?

Puerperal sepsis, thrombophlebitis, secondary hemorrhage, UTI, mastitis.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder