A wall wherein the common boundary of two land parcels is located.
Type and identification number of instruments including total station and steel tape.
Amalgamation of subdivided portions of lots.
Except when all the subdivided portions of a lot/section/subsection are involved in the amalgamation.
The survey report should contain the rationale of how the boundaries are established, information regarding the root of title, evidence found, and relevant plans, sketches, photographs, or documents used for boundary definition.
For clarity in establishing the land boundary record and ensuring uniqueness.
Tolerance: ± 0.1 %.
Sections labeled with letters in alphabetical order (e.g., Section A, Section B, Section C, etc.).
To the nearest 0.1 m^2.
That the field notes are a correct and complete record of the observations and measurements made in the field, and that the survey was carried out in conformity with the Code of Practice approved by the Land Survey Authority.
If any of its content has been changed.
At least two.
They should be a complete original record of all field observations and field measurements recorded in the field, and printout from electronic data recorder or a storage device shall bear the signature of the surveyor.
To maintain repeatability and convey what constitutes and marks the boundary.
A3 size or as specified under the Section 8 of Land Registration Regulations (Cap. 128A).
To carry out land boundary surveys in compliance with the LSO and the Code of Practice (COP).
The survey datum used by the Survey and Mapping Office of Lands Department since 1980.
The survey report should highlight possible boundary conflicts and disputes that may arise as a result of boundary re-establishment.
(a) Grid lines with coordinates, (b) Location diagram, (c) Coordinates of points, (d) Scale, (e) Reference to relevant document and computations, (f) Standard north point symbol, (g) Setting out and PSM radiations, (h) Positions and descriptions of PSMs.
A certificate signed and certified by the ALS in a specific form.
In metres and decimals of a metre, recorded to 0.001 of a metre.
Check whether the three stations are still in a straight line and measure the distance between any two of them.
Placed by bearing and distance from a survey station and checked independently by radiation from another survey station.
A letter for section or a number for subsection following on from the last letter or number used in the previous subdivision at that highest level.
Iron tubes, Epoxy putty, Iron spikes, Survey nails, Wooden pegs, or Cut marks (only where other marks cannot be emplaced).
In the manner as described in Paragraphs 54 and 55.
Measuring the distance of a calculated ray and observing the angle between this ray and the calculated ray to another survey station.
(10+2 S /15) millimetres, where S is the total length of the traverse in metres.
It should be evidence-based, with boundary-related evidence collected as far as practicable, weighted logically, adopted with justification, and presented and recorded clearly in the survey report.
They shall be neatly and clearly recorded or annotated in permanent blue or black ink, and corrections may only be made by crossing out the erroneous entry in such a way that it remains legible, and writing the correct value above or alongside it.
It shall be designated as the Remaining Portion of the original lot/section/subsection.
It can be applied when the land boundary survey is conducted by more than one ALS, and the ALS who signed and certified the plan is responsible for its accuracy and completeness.
Iron tubes, Epoxy putty, Iron spikes, Survey nails, Wooden pegs, Cut marks (only if other marks cannot be emplaced).
Steel tape and EDM.
To record survey data used in a land boundary survey and to maintain repeatability and convey what constitutes and marks the boundary.
To be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the plan.
Plot of boundaries, designation of the subject lot, area of each lot, notation of each boundary corner, boundary dimensions, coordinates of each boundary corner, and abutting land information.
(30 √ n ) seconds, where n is the number of survey stations in the traverse.
They shall initial and date each page of the field notes, and ALS or his delegate will additionally initial and date those pages where the survey has been tested or checked.
A section is followed by a subsection, which is in turn followed by a section, ad infinitum. The last portions are always designated as the Remaining Portion of the original section/subsection.
No more than fifteen.
Compliance with the standards as stipulated in Part I of Appendix F, and following the recommended practice for establishing such control stations and maintaining survey records for quality checking as set out in Part II of Appendix F.
The requirements for carrying out all land boundary surveys in Hong Kong under the Land Survey Ordinance (LSO).
It should be in a specific format certifying the preparation of the land boundary plan in conformity with the Code of Practice and signed by the Authorized Land Surveyor.
Positions of all buildings or prominent physical features within 0.5 meters of a boundary line must be surveyed, calculated, and shown on the SRP.
Only survey stations.
Tolerance: ± (0.015 + 0.0001 x distance in metres) metre.
To verify the actual field conditions, even when a division of land is carried out by pure calculations based on an existing LBP.
It represents the district survey office, ALS number, plan number, type of survey, and version number of the plan.
20 metres and 150 metres respectively.
By observing a minimum of 1 angle between the calculated rays to two or more other geodetic survey stations, and measuring the distance of any one of the calculated rays.
To the nearest 1 m^2.
Plot of survey stations, description of the survey stations, and bearings and distances of traverses.
It should include a statement certifying the preparation of the land boundary plan in conformity with the Code of Practice approved by the Land Survey Authority.
No designation.
Grid lines with coordinates, location diagram of the site, plot details, scale, and standard north point symbol.
A series of lines between survey stations established by angular and linear measurements starting from and closing onto geodetic survey stations or old traverse survey stations, or control stations established by using GNSS.
A survey mark which demarcates a parcel of land.
A line defining the territorial limits of a parcel of land.
Failure to observe general principles will be regarded as non-compliance with the requirements of the COP, unless the ALS can demonstrate circumstances preventing compliance in the survey report.
Designation of the land parcel, locality, or other reference/legal descriptions, and the date of starting and completing the survey.
Under 15 m: ± 2' 00", 15 m - 150 m: ± 1' 00", over 150 m: ± 0' 30".
It shall be designated in the manner as described in Paragraph 56.
By direct observations and measurements, such as observing angles between trigonometric stations and measuring distances to witness marks.
When the land boundary survey is carried out partly by or under the supervision or direction of another ALS.
A certificate signed by the ALS in a specific form.
It represents the nature of the survey, with 'D' for lot dimension plan and 'S' for lot setting-out plan.
Surviving boundary features that are found or believed to have been in existence when the lot was first granted.
Land Boundary Plan.
It is designated as the Remaining Portion of the original lot/section/subsection.
By double radiation.
The letter 'A' for sections or the number '1' for subsections if the parent lot/section/subsection has not been subdivided previously.
Colored, hatched, or cross-hatched as specified under the Section 8 of Land Registration Regulations (Cap. 128A).
The traverse or land boundary information accepted from previous survey.
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1996 to which the geodetic coordinates of the Hong Kong GNSS Control Stations are referred.
When its landowner requests the Government to locate the boundaries of a lot but a search of Government records fails to establish their position.
The survey tolerances stated in Part V.
To 20 seconds or better precision.
The resultant land parcel will be regarded as a new section or subsection of the original lot/section/subsection depending on the highest level of the subdivided portions in the subdivision tree involved.
That the survey record plan has been prepared in conformity with the Code of Practice approved by the Land Survey Authority.
Follow the intention of grant, adopt original occupation, respect existing boundary features, adopt common land boundaries previously defined, present the evidence, and provide reasons for discrepancies.
Measuring the distance of a previously observed and adjusted ray and observing the angles between this ray and at least two other calculated rays to distant geodetic survey stations.
The reliability of the survey stations used for an origin should be proved.
They are called 'Sections' and designated with letters in alphabetical order, with the last section designated as the Remaining Portion of the original lot.
Alphabetically for sections and numerically for subsections, following the previous sequence.
Unless there is overriding justification to the contrary, which should be fully explained in the survey report.
ASCII format.
Plot of boundaries drawn to scale, designation of the subject lot, area of each lot, notation and description of each boundary corner, boundary dimensions, coordinates of each boundary corner, and abutting land information.
A mark defining a surveyed position.
A geodetic survey station made of metal in a mushroom-like shape.
A trigonometric station, a traverse station, or a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) control station emplaced and mathematically fixed under the Hong Kong Geodetic Survey System.
A plan showing and delineating the land boundary of a parcel of land.
It should not be applied to the adoption of survey stations, lot boundary coordinates, and other types of survey data extracted or derived from the work of another surveyor.
It should be structured as SRP/[DSO]/[ALS#]/[Plan#]/[Type][Version], where [DSO] represents the 2-alpha code of District Survey Office, [ALS#] represents the 3-figure registration number of the ALS, [Plan#] represents the 5-numeric figure prepared by the ALS, [Type] represents the nature of the survey, and [Version] represents the version number of the plan.
The original lot/section/subsection will be deemed to have been 're-established' by means of amalgamation and the original designation shall be adopted.
It will be a section if the highest level of subdivided portions in the amalgamation involves sections. It will be a subsection if the highest level of subdivided portions in the amalgamation involves subsections.
The new sections/subsections shall be designated in the manner as described in Paragraph 56 above.
From the parcel clause of the land grant document and portrayed in the survey report.
At both end points and at least one other point on the curve, and at intervals not exceeding 15 metres along the chord.
Subsections labeled with numbers successively (e.g., Subsection 1, Subsection 2, Subsection 3, etc.), with the last subsection designated as the Remaining Portion of the original section.
Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128).
A geodetic survey station enclosed by a cast iron box.
A Hong Kong GNSS Control Station with GNSS equipment set up by the Geodetic Survey Section, Survey and Mapping Office of Lands Department for continuous tracking of GNSS data in support of positioning activities throughout the territory of Hong Kong.
A survey mark over which survey observations are made, and it can be a trigonometric station, a traverse station, or a control station established by using GNSS.
The current network of survey stations based on the 'Hong Kong 1980 Geodetic Datum (HK80)' by the Survey and Mapping Office of Lands Department.
The process of checking of a distance measuring equipment against a standard baseline established by the Survey and Mapping Office of Lands Department for corrections to be made to measured lines.
A survey mark established by a land boundary survey for future use and reference, providing primary evidence for boundary definition when other more vulnerable survey stations have been disturbed or destroyed by development/redevelopment.
A plan recording survey data used in a land boundary survey, including land boundaries, survey evidence, survey marks, traverses, alignments, and significant ties to occupation and related features.
A survey report, Survey Record Plan (SRP), and Land Boundary Plan (LBP).
The original record of field observations and measurements recorded in the field in the course of a land boundary survey, including a print-out from an electronic data recorder or a storage device.
Any survey required in connection with defining land boundaries, including the preparation of field notes, SRPs, and LBPs.
A geodetic survey station emplaced and mathematically fixed under the Hong Kong Geodetic Survey System with geodetic coordinates published by the Geodetic Survey Section, Survey and Mapping Office of Lands Department.
The common boundary of two adjoining land parcels.
The record of all measurements, computations, and survey data used in connection with defining the land boundary of a parcel of land, including the SRP, the LBP, and other documents.