What age group does dehydration classification apply to?
Children aged 2 months up to 5 years.
When was the National Population Policy adopted in Pakistan?
On World Population Day in 2002.
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What age group does dehydration classification apply to?

Children aged 2 months up to 5 years.

National Population Control Policy

When was the National Population Policy adopted in Pakistan?

On World Population Day in 2002.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is IMCI?

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness.

Growth Monitoring and Development of Child

What is the purpose of Growth & Development Surveillance?

To identify children not growing normally, assess the effectiveness of childcare components, and timely institute measures where growth and development is faltering.

Diarrheal Diseases

What is the focus of the session related to diarrhea?

Classifying diarrhea, assessing degree of dehydration, managing according to guiding principles of IMNCI strategy, preparing home-made ORS, and suggesting preventive measures in different case scenarios pertaining to diarrheal diseases.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the treatment for 'No Pneumonia' if the child is coughing for more than 30 days?

Refer for assessment.

Growth Monitoring and Development of Child

What is the Growth Chart (Road to Health) designed to follow?

Child's physical growth and development longitudinally to timely interrupt deficiencies.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What supportive care should be provided to a child with very severe disease?

Provide paracetamol if the child has fever (=>39 o C) causing distress, give a rapid-acting broncho-dilator if wheeze is present, remove thick secretions in the throat, ensure daily maintenance fluids, encourage breastfeeding and oral fluids.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What approach does IMNCI support for case management?

Evidence-based, syndromic approach.

Maternal Mortality Survey 2019

Which survey is listed as an additional reading?

Maternal Mortality survey 2019.

National Population Control Policy

What is Prof Umar's Model?

A pictorial representation of the age-sex composition of a population.

Mission Statement of RMU

What is the mission statement of RMU?

To impart evidence-based research-oriented health professional education in order to provide best possible patient care and inculcate the values of mutual respect, ethical practice of healthcare and social accountability.

Maternal Mortality Survey 2019

What do bumps in the sides of a population pyramid indicate?

They indicate a demographic anomaly.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the signs of 'No Pneumonia' in a child?

No chest indrawing, no fast breathing, <50/min for 2 months – 1 year, <40/min for 1 – 5 years.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the age range for the child in the context of the guidelines?

2 months to 5 years.

National Population Control Policy

When was the National Population Control Policy adopted?

On world population day, 11th July 2002.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the target age group for IMNCI?

Children up to 5 years old.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the respiratory rate of the baby per minute?


Contraceptive Methods

What are the miscellaneous methods of contraception?

Abstinence, coitus interruptus, safe period (Rhythm or Calendar method), natural family planning methods, breastfeeding, birth control vaccine.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What does the green classification in the triage system indicate?

Simple advice on home management.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the signs of 'Severe Pneumonia' in a child?

Chest indrawing, wheezing.

Contraceptive Methods

What are the advantages of terminal methods (sterilization)?

One time method, does not require sustained motivation, most effective protection, most cost effective method.

Post Abortion Care

Who developed the Guidelines and Teachers Handbook for Introducing Bioethics to Medical and Dental Students?

Healthcare Ethics Committee (HCEC) of the National Bioethics Committee (NBC).

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

When is a child considered not able to drink?

If the child is not able to take fluid in his mouth and swallow it, for example, due to lethargy or unconsciousness.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

When is a child considered to be drinking poorly?

If the child is weak and cannot drink without help, and may only be able to swallow if fluid is put in his mouth.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the acronym IMNCI stands for?

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness.

Core Content of IMCI Session

What is the core content of the session?

The core content includes understanding the background of high childhood mortality in the region, the need for evidence-based effective and syndromic child healthcare approaches, interpreting guiding principles of IMNCI strategy, and classifying according to Integrated Management of Childhood Illness.

National Population Control Policy

How are age groups represented on a population pyramid?

On the y-axis, usually in five-year intervals.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the characteristics of Fatima's condition?

18 months old, weighs 11.5 kg, temperature of 37.5°C, diarrhea for 3 days, no blood in stool, sunken eyes, refusal to drink, slow skin return when pinched.

Contraceptive Methods

What are the disadvantages of chemical methods of contraception?

High failure rate, local irritant action, create a mess, has to be introduced in all those regions of vagina where sperms may reach.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What does the instruction 'Refer to hospital' mean?

Referral is needed, but not as urgently. There is time to identify treatments and give all of the treatments before referral.

Terminal Methods (Sterilization)

What are the complications associated with male sterilization (vasectomy)?

Pain, hematoma, local infection, spermatic granules, spontaneous re-canalization, autoimmune response, psychological.

Terminal Methods (Sterilization)

How is bilateral tubal ligation done?

It can be done as an interval procedure, post partum, or at the time of abortion.

National Population Control Policy

What strategies are mentioned in the Population Policy?

Develop and launch advocacy campaigns, increase ownership of population issues by stakeholders, reduce unmet need for family planning services, shift from target-oriented to people-centered needs and services, ensure provision of quality services to under-served populations, strengthen contribution to population activities by civil society players, expand the role of the private sector, and decentralize program management and service delivery.

National Population Control Policy

What are the areas of policy focus in the Population Policy?

Service delivery expansion and improvement of quality, advocacy, training and capacity building, and decentralization.

Learning Objectives of IMCI Session

What are the learning objectives of the session?

To comprehend background of high childhood mortality in the region, appraise need of evidence-based effective and syndromic child healthcare approaches, interpret guiding principles of IMNCI strategy, classify according to Integrated Management of Childhood Illness, and classify degree of Pneumonia and ARI according to IMNCI.

National Population Control Policy

What is the purpose of a population pyramid?

To present each age variable in the form of a histogram, with gender histograms plotted horizontally back-to-back for males and females.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the signs of very severe disease in a child?

Stopped feeding well, convulsions, abnormally sleepy or difficult to wake, grunting or groaning, wheeze, fever or feels too cold, cyanosis.

Diarrheal Diseases

How is diarrhea defined?

The passage of 3 or more loose or liquid stools per day, or more frequently than is normal for the individual.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What does the instruction 'Refer URGENTLY to hospital' mean?

To refer the child immediately after giving any necessary pre-referral treatments.


What is nasal flaring?

With inspiration, the side of the nostrils flares outwards.

National Population Control Policy

What does the general shape of a population pyramid reveal?

It reveals the proportion of people in various age groups and the sex ratio.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the recommended primary textbooks for reading?

J Parks textbook of Preventive & social Medicine and Textbook of Community Medicine & Public Health.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the classification of child dehydration according to IMNCI for a 3-year-old with fever and diarrhea but no danger signs?

c. some dehydration

National Population Control Policy

What is the vision of the National Population Policy adopted in 2002?

To achieve population stabilization by 2020.

National Population Control Policy

When is World Population Day celebrated?

On 11th July.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What age group does the term 'YOUNG INFANT' refer to?

1 week up to 2 months.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What signs are not assessed for dehydration in young infants with diarrhea?

Thirst and drinking poorly.

Maternal Mortality Survey 2019

What does a large proportion of women having children in the same years indicate?

It typically indicates some critical event like war.

Contraceptive Methods

What are the categories of chemical methods of contraception?

Foamy cream, foam tablets, foam aerosols, creams, jellies and pastes, suppositories, soluble films.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What does the yellow classification in the triage system indicate?

Specific medical treatment and advice.

Post Abortion Care

What does post-abortion care provide counseling and awareness about?

Different family planning methods.


What is the purpose of HIV screening in STD/HIV/AIDS control?

To prevent and manage HIV and AIDS transmission to the baby.

Growth Monitoring and Development of Child

What are the uses of a growth chart?

1. Growth monitoring 2. Diagnostic tool for identifying malnutrition early 3. Tool for planning & policy making 4. Educational tool for mothers 5. Tool for action 6. Evaluation of child health programs 7. Teaching tool for mothers

National Population Control Policy

What are the goals of the Population Policy?

To attain a balance between resources and population, address various dimensions of the population issue, increase awareness of adverse consequences of rapid population growth, promote family planning as an entitlement, and attain a reduction in population.

Growth Monitoring and Development of Child

What are the signs that a child is thirsty and wants to drink?

Drinking eagerly, reaching out for the cup or spoon, and being unhappy when the water is taken away.

Diarrheal Diseases

What are the ingredients for homemade ORS?

One level teaspoon of salt, eight level teaspoons of sugar, one litre of clean drinking or boiled water (cooled)

Diarrheal Diseases

How is a child's illness classified if they have had diarrhea for 14 days or more and also have severe dehydration?


Contraceptive Methods

What are the disadvantages of barrier methods of contraception?

Require high degree of motivation, less effective than either the pill or the IUDs.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the complaints presented by the eight-month-old baby at the PHC center?

Fever for 1 day, fast breathing for 1 day, and cough for 2 days.

Post Abortion Care

What essential element of post-abortion care services is provided to women before they leave the facility?

A family planning method.

National Population Control Policy

What does the width of the base in a population pyramid indicate?

It indicates the birth rate, with a wide base indicating a high birth rate and a narrow base indicating a low birth rate.

Terminal Methods (Sterilization)

What are the two commonly used procedures for female sterilization?

Laparoscopy and minilap operation.

Maternal Mortality Survey 2019

What does symmetry in a population pyramid indicate?

Statistically speaking, pyramids should be relatively symmetrical.

Maternal Mortality Survey 2019

What does any asymmetry in a population pyramid indicate?

Any asymmetry indicates a difference in the male and female population.

Maternal Mortality Survey 2019

What does a pyramid with more females at age ranges above 50 indicate?

It indicates that women are living to older ages than males.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the learning objectives related to diarrhea classification according to IMNCI?

Classify diarrhea, classify degree of diarrhea, assess degree of dehydration, manage according to guiding principles of IMNCI strategy, prepare home-made ORS, and suggest preventive measures in different case scenarios pertaining to diarrheal diseases.

Post Abortion Care

What is the purpose of post-abortion care?

To prevent complications of abortion and identify any existing complications.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

When should all young infants with persistent diarrhea or blood in stool be referred to the hospital?


Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the treatment for a child with very severe disease?

Refer urgently to hospital for injectable antibiotic, give first dose antibiotics, treat fever if present, treat wheezing if present.

Diarrheal Diseases

What are the key facts about diarrheal disease according to WHO?

Diarrheal disease is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old, kills around 525,000 children under five each year, and can be prevented through safe drinking-water and adequate sanitation and hygiene.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What does the red classification in the triage system indicate?

Urgent pre-referral treatments and referral.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the signs of 'Pneumonia' in a child?

Fast breathing, ≥50/min for 2 months – 1 year, ≥40/min for 1 – 5 years, no chest indrawing.

Terminal Methods (Sterilization)

What is the procedure for male sterilization (vasectomy)?

Under local anesthesia and aseptic conditions, a piece of vas deferens (about 1 cm) is removed. The ends are ligated and then folded back.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

How can a mother's opinion help confirm dehydration in a child?

By assessing if the child's eyes look unusual or sunken.

Maternal Mortality Survey 2019

What is an age pyramid?

A diagram that gives information about the proportion of males and females in each age group.

Growth Monitoring and Development of Child

What information does an age pyramid show?

Proportion of young people (0-14), proportion of working people (15-59), and proportion of elderly people (60+).

Contraceptive Methods

What are the advantages of barrier methods of contraception?

Absence of side effects, protection from STDs, protection from PID, protection from cervical cancer.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the guidelines for communicating with the caretaker?

1. Listen carefully to caretaker and take their concerns seriously. 2. Use words the caretaker understands, avoiding medical terminology. 3. Give the caretaker time to answer questions and reflect. 4. Ask additional questions when the caretaker is unsure or when things are unclear.

Diarrheal Diseases

What treatment should be given to a child with dysentery?

Dehydration treatment and an antibiotic recommended for Shigella in the area.

Growth Monitoring and Development of Child

What are the components of Growth & Development Surveillance?

Weight for age, height for age, nutritional stunting, weight for height, head & chest circumference.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the most appropriate diagnosis according to IMNCI classification for the symptoms presented by the baby?


Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What home care advice should be given for 'No Pneumonia'?

Encourage the mother to feed the child, advise her to bring the child back after 2 days or earlier if the child becomes more sick or is not able to drink or breastfeed, complete the 5 days of antibiotic treatment if the breathing has improved, there is less fever, and the child is eating better.

Growth Monitoring and Development of Child

Who first designed the Growth Chart (Road to Health)?

David Morley, modified by WHO.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the temperature of the baby in Fahrenheit?


National Population Control Policy

What is the overall vision of the National Population Control Policy?

To achieve population stabilization by 2020 through the expeditious completion of the demographic transition.

Diarrheal Diseases

What are the clinical types of diarrhea?

Acute watery diarrhea, acute bloody diarrhea (dysentery), and persistent diarrhea (lasts 14 days or longer).

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the leading causes of death in children under 5 years?

Preterm birth complications, birth asphyxia/trauma, pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria.

Natural Methods of Contraception

What physiological event does the BBT method depend on?

The rise of BBT at the time of ovulation due to an increase in the production of progesterone.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What diseases are covered by IMNCI?

Neonatal problems, ear infections, meningitis, sepsis, HIV/AIDS, anemia.

Contraceptive Methods

What is the purpose of emergency contraception?

To prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure.

Maternal Mortality Survey 2019

What was the estimated maternal mortality ratio in Pakistan according to PMMS 2019?

186 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the objective of IMNCI?

To reduce global morbidity and mortality associated with the major causes of illnesses in children under 5 years of age.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

How does skin pinch assessment differ in children with marasmus or overweight children?

In children with marasmus, the skin may go back slowly even if the child is not dehydrated. In overweight children or children with edema, the skin may go back immediately even if the child is dehydrated.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

How should the mother or caretaker give ORS solution during the 4-hour treatment period?

Slowly give frequent small sips from a cup or spoon.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What should be done if the mother must leave before completing the treatment?

Show the mother how to prepare ORS solution at home, how much ORS solution to give to complete the 4-hour treatment at home, and provide enough packets to complete rehydration along with 2 more packets as recommended in Plan A.

Demographic Transitions Population Pyramids

What are the learning objectives related to population pyramids?

Explain population pyramid, Read and interpret a population pyramid, Identify and interpret population pyramids in different stages of growth, Identify and interpret different types of population pyramids with respect to shape, Explain any asymmetry in shape, Identify baby boom in population pyramid, State importance of population pyramids, Calculate and interpret dependency ratio, Explain age and sex composition of a population, Calculate sex ratio from a given data.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

When should a nasogastric tube be used for a child with very severe disease?

If the child cannot drink, insert a nasogastric tube and give maintenance fluids in frequent small amounts.

Diarrheal Diseases

What is the process of triage in the context of diarrhea?

The process of rapidly screening sick children soon after their arrival in the hospital to identify emergency signs, priority signs, and non-urgent cases.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the key to the most appropriate diagnosis for the baby's condition?

b. Pneumonia.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the treatment for 'Severe Pneumonia' in a child?

Refer URGENTLY to hospital, give first dose antibiotics, treat fever if present, treat wheezing if present.

National Population Control Policy

What are the critical interventions for an effective monitoring and evaluation mechanism according to the Policy?

Management Information System, Logistic Management Information System, GIS/Mapping, Research in Population and Development, and Funding.

Natural Methods of Contraception

What does the Symptothermic Method combine for identifying the fertile period?

BBT, cervical mucus method, and calendar method.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What evidence supports the effectiveness of IMNCI?

Child survival is more determined by tested interventions based on a holistic approach, covering the majority who need it, taking into account capacity & structure of healthcare systems as well as traditions and beliefs in the community.

Contraceptive Methods

What are the categories under the Spacing Methods of contraceptive methods according to the Policy?

Barrier Methods, Intra uterine Devices (IUCD), Hormonal Methods, Post conceptional Methods, and Miscellaneous.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the signs of pneumonia in a young infant under 2 months with no pneumonia?

No fast breathing (<60/min) and no chest indrawing.

Demographic Transitions Population Pyramids

What is the purpose of demographic transitions?

To understand the changes in population structure over time.

Contraceptive Methods

Name a contraceptive method that works by tubal ligation and vasectomy.

Tubal ligation and vasectomy.

Natural Methods of Contraception

What is the major drawback of the BBT method?

Abstinence is necessary for the entire pre-ovulatory period, and some females have irregular cycles.

Diarrheal Diseases

What are the possible classifications for dehydration in a child with diarrhea?

Severe dehydration, some dehydration, and no dehydration.

Unmet Need for Family Planning

What defines the unmet need for family planning according to the Policy?

Married women in reproductive age who want to do birth spacing but are not using any method of contraception, along with their husbands not practicing any method.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What should you observe when releasing the skin pinch on a child's abdomen?

Observe if the skin pinch goes back very slowly (longer than 2 seconds), slowly (skin stays up even for a brief instant), or immediately.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is needed to manage a sick child according to IMNCI?

Adopt an integrated syndromic approach to manage sick child, move disease-specific to overall case-specific strategy, and practice healthcare appropriate to healthcare infrastructure.

Contraceptive Methods

What are the contraceptive methods characterized based on?

Mechanism of action, indicators of effectiveness, side effects, non-contraceptive benefits, eligibility criteria, and interventions for certain problems during use.

Natural Methods of Contraception

What are the three methods included in natural family planning?

Basal body temperature, cervical mucus method, symptothermic method.

Maternal Mortality Survey 2019

What is the infant mortality rate for Pakistan in 2021?

57.998 deaths per 1000 live births.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the signs of pneumonia in a child requiring home care?

Fast breathing (>60/min) and no chest indrawing.

Natural Methods of Contraception

What changes in the characteristics of cervical mucus indicate ovulation in the Billings Method?

Cervical mucus becomes watery clear resembling raw egg white, smooth, slippery, and profuse.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the signs of severe pneumonia in a child?

Fast breathing (≥60/min) and severe chest indrawing/nasal flaring.

Unmet Need for Family Planning

What are the most common reasons for unmet need for family planning according to the Policy?

Inconvenient or unsatisfactory services, lack of information, fears about side effects, and opposition from husbands and family members.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the initial treatment period for Plan B in the clinic?

4 hours.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What should be done after 4 hours of treatment on Plan B?

Reassess the child using the ASSESS AND CLASSIFY chart and choose the appropriate plan to continue treatment.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the 4 Rules of Home Treatment for diarrhea in young infants?

1. Give extra fluid, 2. Continue feeding, 3. When to return, 4. Give zinc supplements (age 2 months up to 5 years).


What is done to assess the risk for future infection in STD/HIV/AIDS control?

Voluntary counseling and testing.

Natural Methods of Contraception

How many phases of the menstrual cycle are directly related to the three methods of natural family planning?

Two phases (follicular and luteal phase).

Demographic Transitions Population Pyramids

How is the sex ratio calculated?

By comparing the number of males to females in a given population.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is IMNCI?

A strategy for reducing mortality and morbidity associated with major causes of childhood illness.

Natural Methods of Contraception

How is the fertile period calculated in the Calendar Method (Rhythm Method)?

The shortest cycle minus 18 days gives the first day of the fertile period, and the longest cycle minus 10 days gives the last day of the fertile period.

Contraceptive Methods

What are the two classifications of contraceptive methods according to the Policy?

Spacing Methods and Terminal Methods.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is Plan C in the context of childhood illness management?

The next plan to be considered if Plan B does not yield the desired results.

National Population Control Policy

How are males and females represented on a population pyramid?

Males are on the left and females are on the right.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the treatment advised for a young infant under 2 months with no pneumonia?

Advise mother to give home care, keep baby comfortably warm, frequent breastfeeding, and clear nose if it interferes with feeding.

National Population Control Policy

What is the purpose of the Policy's institutionalized coordinating mechanism?

To address population as a crosscutting issue and ensure coordination at all levels within the government and with all stakeholders.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the three major components of IMNCI?

Improvement in case management skills, overall healthcare system, and family and community healthcare practices.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the steps involved in the assessment of the child in IMNCI?

History taking, checking for general danger signs, routine check for major symptoms, assessing nutritional status, immunization status, and feeding.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the treatment advised for a child with severe pneumonia?

Refer urgently to hospital for injectable antibiotic and give the first dose of antibiotics.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

When is a child considered to have the sign 'restless and irritable'?

If the child is restless and irritable all the time or every time he is touched or handled. If an infant or child is calm when breastfeeding but restless and irritable when he stops breastfeeding, he has the sign 'restless and irritable'.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What should be done if the child vomits during the ORS solution intake?

Wait 10 minutes before giving more fluid, then resume giving the fluid more slowly.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the three decision-making aims of IMNCI?

Determining the child's health problem, severity of the child's condition, and appropriate action to be taken.

Demographic Transitions Population Pyramids

What is the dependency ratio used for?

To calculate the number of dependents (young and old) in a population compared to the working-age population.


What is the focus of expanding services in STD/HIV/AIDS control?

To address mother-to-child transmission.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the treatment advised for a child with pneumonia requiring home care?

Advise mother to give home care, give antibiotic, treat fever if present, and treat wheezing if present.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

How do you perform the skin pinch on a child's abdomen?

Locate the area halfway between the umbilicus and the side of the abdomen, use thumb and first finger to pick up all layers of skin and tissue, pinch for one second and then release, observe how the skin pinch goes back.

Natural Methods of Contraception

What are the conditions based on the lactational amenorrhea method?

The baby is under 6 months, the mother is still amenorrhic, and she practices exclusive breastfeeding on demand, day and night.

Contraceptive Methods

What is the aim of Barrier Methods in contraceptive methods according to the Policy?

To prevent live sperm from meeting the ovum.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What is the significance of puffy eyes in a child after 4 hours of treatment on Plan B?

It is a sign of overhydration, indicating that the child has been rehydrated and does not need any more ORS solution at that time.

Diarrheal Diseases

How is diarrhea classified based on the duration and symptoms?

Children with diarrhea are classified for dehydration, persistent diarrhea (if lasting 14 days or more), and dysentery (if blood in the stool).

Maternal Mortality Survey 2019

What is the under-5 mortality rate for Pakistan in 2020?

71.34 deaths per thousand live births.

Unmet Need for Family Planning

What is the goal of family planning evaluation?

To identify the methods for assessing the impact of family planning programs.

Unmet Need for Family Planning

What factors affect the unmet need for family planning according to the Policy?

It is higher in rural areas than urban areas and is affected by education and socioeconomic status of married couples.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the interventions included in syndromic case management for children under 5 years?

Childhood vaccinations, ORT, effective use of antibiotics, prompt malaria treatment, and breastfeeding.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

What are the 4 Rules of Home Treatment mentioned in the context?

1. Give Extra Fluid, 2. Continue Feeding, 3. When to Return, 4. Give Zinc.

Study Smarter, Not Harder
Study Smarter, Not Harder